LightWork Alerts and Workflow
Wouldn't it be great to know about a potential problem before it occurred? LightWork Alerts & Workflow keeps you in the loop, helping you prevent problems before they start. Automated alerts about critical events can be set up based on your specific needs to ensure things continue to run smoothly.
Keeping up with your employees can be time-consuming, especially when there are a lot of them. With LightWork you will be able to know instantly when an employee is having a problem. LightWork lets you anticipate employee needs and follow their progress – whether it’s about locking themselves out of the system, knowing when a goal is complete, or knowing if they have approved their timesheet. All monitored automatically – so you don’t have to.
Overdue employee reviews, Employee appraisals awaiting approval, and new employees needing an appraisal to be made. The need to keep on top of employee activities is an endless one, and even when you have the time to remember to do a dozen different things, it’s the one thing you didn’t do that ends up hurting you.
Sometimes the most valuable information you can get out of your system isn’t about what did happen – but what didn’t happen.
An employee who didn’t approve an appraisal. A new employee hasn't entered their time. A staff member who has not received their performance review. These kinds of conditions – or “inactivity monitoring” – is precisely what LightWork does, so your staff doesn’t have to. Because by the time someone utters those fateful words “Whatever happened to . . . “, it’s almost always too late.
Phone numbers missing digits; email addresses that are blank. And let’s not forget about “doctoring the data”. We all have our thresholds; we know that errors happen and that some people will do things they shouldn’t.
You might not be able to stop these things from happening, but you can automate the process to spot and respond to them. LightWork is the ultimate exception management tool. You identify the conditions and responses; LightWork stands guard. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week – it is your ‘corporate smoke detector’.
Automate Report Delivery
How many reports do you run per week? I am sure the list goes and goes. And – once a report lands on your desk, is a yellow highlighter pen the first thing you reach for?
LightWork automates report generation and distribution; not just on a schedule such as daily or weekly, but on an as-needed, data-triggered basis. After all, if you highlight only 20% of every report that crosses your desk, why are you receiving the other 80%?
Industry First:
Sending an alert is good – but knowing that the alert has been received and acknowledged – and letting the recipient respond to that alert, confirming their acceptance of that information – is better.
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